SaaS - Software as a Service is a term used to describe programs used over the internet. One Drive and Google Drive are a convenient file saving space. 

What most people do not know is that they are not backed up. Microsoft and Google have in their small print that they are not responsible. 

The biggest reason that we lose data from any files is human error. If you delete a file from your PC, it is then deleted in One Drive or Google Drive. 

1. Many companies assume that moving to cloud-based applications means backup is no longer necessary. However, this can be a dangerous assumption. Although Microsoft and Google ensure that they won’t lose your data, they do not make any guarantees about restoring data if you lose it. In other words, your cloud data is as vulnerable to accidental or malicious deletion, ransomware and other types of data loss as on-premises applications.

How would your business cope if you permanently lost your data or, at best, waited 6 hours or more to retrieve one file? Relying on apps to provide the level and layers of protection you need puts your business at risk of losing valuable time and data.


2. Cyberattacks are not slowing down In January 2020, 480,000 Microsoft accounts were compromised by spraying attacks. This is when an attacker runs a common password (like “Winter2020!”) against lists of thousands of accounts, in the hopes that some of those will have used that common password. If that number sounds big, bear in mind that Microsoft stops 300 million fraudulent sign-in attempts every day. Again, that’s not per year or per month, but 300 million per day! What would the consequences be if your business’ email was not accessible for 30 minutes? How about a full day? A week? 


3. Data breaches are significantly hurting small businesses When it comes to cybercrime, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are doubly susceptible to being victimised. That’s because, in addition to the potential cost of being hit by hackers and other cybercriminals, they also risk losing the confidence of consumers. The evidence presented in the Small Business Reputation and the Cyber Risk report clearly supports this and shows that 89% of SMEs report potential ramifications of a cyber breach can be “huge and long-lasting”. Specifically:

• 31% of SMEs report a negative hit to their brand

• 30% of SMEs report loss of clients

• 29% of SMEs report a reduction in their ability to win new business


It’s come to our attention with so many businesses recently moving their workloads to SAAS applications due to COVID that data loss in the cloud is now a serious issue. We are addressing the risks by implementing a 3rd party backup and restore option for our clients with which we can provide instant access to lost and deleted data and access to files when platforms become unavailable.

Our SaaS back up solution means that your data is backed up 3 times per day. If you delete a file it would still be on the back up. 

The cost for this backup is $15 per month, plus an initial set up fee.  

That is peace of mind at a reasonable price.